About the Journal

Journal Name: Journal of Regional Connectivity and Development

Online ISSN: 3006-9262

Print ISSN: 3006-9254

Language: English


The Journal of Regional Connectivity and Development (JRCD) is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to exploring the multifaceted dimensions of regional connectivity and its impact on development. Launched in 2023, JRCD has rapidly emerged as a leading platform for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to exchange insights, theories, and empirical findings in this burgeoning field.

Scope and Focus:

JRCD provides a comprehensive forum for interdisciplinary research on various aspects of regional connectivity, spanning economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions. The journal welcomes contributions that investigate the drivers, challenges, and consequences of regional connectivity initiatives across different scales, from local to global.

Key Themes:

  1. Infrastructure Development: JRCD delves into the planning, financing, and management of transportation, communication, and energy infrastructure projects aimed at enhancing regional connectivity. Articles in this theme may address issues such as infrastructure financing mechanisms, public-private partnerships, and the role of technology in infrastructure development.
  2. Trade and Investment: The journal explores how improved connectivity influences trade flows, foreign direct investment (FDI), and economic integration within and across regions. Scholars may examine trade agreements, regional trade blocs, and the impacts of connectivity on industrial clusters and value chains.
  3. Social and Cultural Exchange: JRCD investigates the social and cultural dimensions of regional connectivity, including migration patterns, tourism flows, and cross-border cooperation. Articles in this theme may explore the role of connectivity in fostering cultural exchange, reducing social disparities, and promoting regional identity.
  4. Policy and Governance: The journal analyzes the policy frameworks, regulatory mechanisms, and governance structures shaping regional connectivity initiatives. Contributions may assess the effectiveness of policy interventions, the role of multilateral institutions, and the governance challenges associated with transboundary infrastructure projects.
  5. Environmental Sustainability: JRCD examines the environmental implications of regional connectivity, including its impact on ecosystems, biodiversity, and climate change. Articles may address issues such as sustainable transportation, renewable energy integration, and the environmental assessment of infrastructure projects.

Audience and Contributors:

JRCD attracts a diverse readership comprising academics, policymakers, practitioners, and students interested in regional development, international relations, transportation planning, economic geography, and related fields. The journal welcomes submissions from scholars worldwide, including original research articles, review papers, case studies, and policy analyses.

Editorial Board:

The journal is overseen by a distinguished editorial board comprising leading scholars and experts in the field of regional connectivity and development. The board ensures the quality, relevance, and integrity of published research, guiding the journal's editorial policies and strategic direction.