Withdrawal Policy

The Journal of Regional Connectivity and Development (JRCD) recognizes that authors may need to withdraw their submitted manuscripts for various reasons. This policy outlines the procedures and conditions for withdrawing a manuscript from the JRCD editorial process.

Stages for Withdrawal:

1. Before Initial Editorial Decision:

  • Authors can withdraw their manuscript at any time before the editors make an initial decision (accept, revise, or reject).
  • No notification is required for pre-submission withdrawals.
  • To withdraw a submitted manuscript before an initial decision, authors should notify the Journal Manager via email, clearly stating their intention to withdraw the manuscript and its title.

2. After Initial Editorial Decision:

  • Before revisions are submitted: Authors can withdraw their manuscript until the deadline for submitting revisions expires.

  • Authors should notify the Journal Manager via email, stating their intention to withdraw and the manuscript title.

  • No penalty will be incurred for withdrawals at this stage.

  • After revisions are submitted: Manuscript withdrawals become more complex after revised versions are submitted.

  • Authors should first discuss their concerns with the assigned editor. The editor may be able to address the issues and encourage continued participation in the review process.

  • If withdrawal is still desired, authors should formally notify the Journal Manager via email, explaining the reason for withdrawal and acknowledging any potential ethical concerns (e.g., data integrity, duplicate submission).

  • Depending on the stage of review and the reason for withdrawal, editors may:

    • Allow withdrawal without penalty.
    • Request a written explanation for the withdrawal, which may be published as an editorial note.
    • In cases of suspected ethical misconduct, the journal may initiate an investigation and take appropriate action.

3. After Acceptance:

  • Withdrawing an accepted manuscript can have significant consequences for both the author and the journal. Authors should carefully consider all implications before requesting withdrawal at this stage.
  • Withdrawal after acceptance is only permitted under exceptional circumstances, such as:
    • Discovery of a significant error in the manuscript that affects its validity.
    • Ethical concerns that compromise the integrity of the research.
    • Legal or copyright issues preventing publication.
  • Authors must submit a formal request to the Editor-in-Chief, explaining the reason for withdrawal in detail.
  • The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the editorial team, will make a final decision on the withdrawal request.
  • If the withdrawal is approved, the editors may:
    • Publish a correction or retraction, depending on the nature of the error or ethical concern.
    • Inform the readership of the withdrawal and the reason behind it.
  • Authors may be subject to penalties, such as being barred from submitting to the journal for a certain period, depending on the reason for withdrawal and the disruption caused to the publication process.