
Mission Statement: The Journal of Regional Connectivity and Development (JRCD) aims to serve as a platform for scholarly research and discourse on topics related to regional connectivity and development. It seeks to foster understanding, collaboration, and innovation in areas such as transportation, communication, infrastructure, economic integration, and sustainable development within and between regions.

Scope: JRCD publishes original research articles, reviews, case studies, and perspectives that contribute to advancing knowledge and understanding of regional connectivity and development. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  1. Transportation: Analysis of transportation networks, modes, and infrastructure, including road, rail, air, maritime, and multimodal systems. Exploration of the impact of transportation on regional development, accessibility, and mobility.

  2. Communication: Studies on information and communication technologies (ICTs), digital connectivity, internet access, and their influence on regional development, communication patterns, and knowledge exchange.

  3. Infrastructure: Research on the planning, design, construction, and management of infrastructure projects, including energy, water, sanitation, and other essential facilities, and their role in fostering regional connectivity and development.

  4. Economic Integration: Examination of regional economic integration initiatives, trade agreements, economic corridors, and their effects on regional connectivity, economic growth, and development outcomes.

  5. Sustainable Development: Exploration of strategies, policies, and practices for promoting sustainable regional development, including environmental conservation, climate change mitigation, resilience building, and inclusive growth.

Publication Criteria: Submissions to JRCD are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Originality: Manuscripts should present original research findings, insights, or perspectives that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of regional connectivity and development.

  2. Quality: Manuscripts should adhere to high academic standards in terms of conceptual rigor, methodological soundness, and clarity of presentation.

  3. Relevance: Manuscripts should address significant issues, challenges, or opportunities related to regional connectivity and development, with potential implications for theory, policy, or practice.

  4. Contribution: Manuscripts should make a substantive contribution to the existing literature by offering new insights, innovative approaches, or empirical evidence that enriches our understanding of regional connectivity and development dynamics.

Peer Review Process: All submissions to JRCD undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of published articles. Upon receipt, manuscripts are anonymized and assigned to independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area. Reviewers evaluate submissions based on the publication criteria outlined above and provide constructive feedback to authors. The editorial team makes final decisions on manuscript acceptance, revision, or rejection based on peer review reports and editorial judgment.

Open Access Policy: JRCD is committed to promoting open access to scholarly research and knowledge. All articles published in JRCD are freely accessible to readers worldwide, ensuring the widest possible dissemination and impact of research findings. Authors retain copyright of their work and grant JRCD the right to publish their article under a Creative Commons license, allowing for the sharing and reuse of content with proper attribution.

Publication Ethics: JRCD upholds the highest standards of publication ethics and integrity. Authors are expected to adhere to principles of academic honesty, transparency, and respect for intellectual property rights. Plagiarism, falsification, fabrication, and other forms of academic misconduct are strictly prohibited. Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and acknowledge the contributions of others to their research. The journal follows established guidelines and best practices for handling ethical issues, including cases of misconduct or disputes.

Editorial Independence: JRCD operates with editorial independence and autonomy from external influences, including commercial interests, political pressures, and personal biases. Editorial decisions are based solely on academic merit and the relevance of submissions to the journal's scope and mission. The editorial team is committed to maintaining objectivity, fairness, and impartiality in all aspects of the publishing process.

Diversity and Inclusion: JRCD values diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of its operations, including authorship, peer review, editorial leadership, and content representation. The journal welcomes submissions from scholars of diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and geographic regions, and is committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive scholarly community.

Feedback and Corrections: JRCD welcomes feedback from readers, authors, reviewers, and other stakeholders to continuously improve the quality and relevance of its content and processes. Corrections to published articles are issued promptly and transparently in cases of errors, inaccuracies, or misleading information, following established protocols for corrections and retractions.

Editorial Board: The editorial board of JRCD comprises distinguished scholars, researchers, and practitioners with expertise in various disciplines related to regional connectivity and development. Editorial board members provide strategic guidance, expertise, and support to the journal's mission and operations, including manuscript review, policy development, and outreach activities.

Contact Information: For inquiries, submissions, or other correspondence, please contact the editorial office of JRCD at [email address] or visit our website [URL] for more information.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in articles published in JRCD are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editorial board, the publisher, or affiliated organizations. JRCD does not endorse any specific viewpoints, products, services, or policies mentioned in published articles. Readers are encouraged to critically evaluate and engage with the content presented in the journal.