Aim and Scope

Aim and Scope:

The Journal of Regional Connectivity and Development (JRCD) is a peer-reviewed academic publication dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding of the multifaceted dynamics of regional connectivity and its implications for development. With a focus on interdisciplinary research, JRCD aims to provide a platform for scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders to engage in rigorous analysis, exchange insights, and explore innovative solutions to the challenges and opportunities associated with regional connectivity.


The primary aim of JRCD is to foster scholarly inquiry into the various dimensions of regional connectivity, encompassing physical, economic, social, and institutional linkages within and between regions. By promoting a deeper understanding of the drivers, processes, and outcomes of regional connectivity, the journal seeks to contribute to the advancement of theory, policy, and practice in the fields of regional studies, development economics, international relations, geography, urban planning, transportation, and related disciplines.


JRCD welcomes original research articles, reviews, theoretical contributions, case studies, and policy analyses addressing a wide range of topics related to regional connectivity and development, including but not limited to:

  1. Infrastructure and Transport Networks: Examination of the role of transportation, communication, and energy infrastructure in enhancing regional connectivity, reducing spatial disparities, and facilitating economic integration.

  2. Trade and Investment Flows: Analysis of trade patterns, investment trends, supply chain dynamics, and their implications for regional development, economic growth, and competitiveness.

  3. Cross-Border Cooperation: Exploration of cross-border cooperation initiatives, institutional arrangements, and governance mechanisms aimed at promoting regional integration, peacebuilding, and sustainable development.

  4. Migration and Mobility: Investigation of migration patterns, labor mobility, demographic trends, and their impact on regional labor markets, social cohesion, and human development.

  5. Innovation and Knowledge Networks: Study of innovation ecosystems, knowledge clusters, and technology diffusion processes driving regional competitiveness, entrepreneurship, and innovation-led growth.

  6. Environmental Sustainability: Assessment of the environmental consequences of regional connectivity projects, including land-use changes, resource exploitation, pollution, and climate change adaptation/mitigation strategies.

  7. Policy and Planning: Evaluation of policy interventions, regulatory frameworks, and spatial planning strategies aimed at promoting balanced regional development, inclusive growth, and sustainable infrastructure investment.

  8. Case Studies and Best Practices: Examination of successful case studies, lessons learned, and best practices from different regions around the world, with implications for theory, policy, and practice.

JRCD encourages contributions that adopt diverse methodological approaches, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research, as well as interdisciplinary perspectives that bridge the gap between academia, government, and industry. By fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange among researchers and stakeholders, the journal seeks to inform evidence-based policymaking, promote sustainable development, and contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional level.